And speaking of...
Do you know and are you aware that your time is a special gift straight from God? Life is a gift, so time is a gift. Both are intertwined with each other. We can't have one without the other. And both are given the purpose to glorify God.
Time... Something I think we all take for granted. I know at least I do! Time spent with family, loved ones of all ages. Time to sew, cook and play; all a gift. And how often we waste it!!! I need to be reminded along with all of you that our time is LIMITED. It is short; like a vapor.
I truly believe that it is God's heart for us to use what He's given us wisely; time being the greatest thing of all. It is priceless! Once spent it will never get boughten back. You can only use it one time!
How sad it would be to find out on judgment day that if we would have just taken that one moment out of our day to minister to that needy friend, instead of wasting it on something that doesn't matter, it would have changed their life for ever. Wouldn't that be the saddest thing ever? How ashamed we would feel! I know I would be!
And so many of us do. We spend our time counting down the minutes, days, the hours until the next exciting event in our life, instead of fully focusing in and using each moment God's given us RIGHT NOW, for His glory. How different our lives would be if we would keep this attitude in mind every second!
Friends, it is not too late to change! It is not too late to redeem the mistakes we have made. God promises us that He will redeem the things the locusts have eaten up. (Joel 2:25)
All we have to do is ask God, and then trust Him to do the rest.
Every day we need to be asking our Savior to help us use our time wisely, because in our own strength we just can't do it. It is physically impossible! There are so many people everywhere who are struggling; who are needing our encouragement, love and prayers. If we would just ask God to open our eyes, to see like He does, our lives would be completely changed!
With God's help it is possible to live a life that is full and rich with purpose. But only through Him!
How often I need to remind myself of this! If I could just get to the place where I would constantly go to Him in prayer, asking him to use my time and energy in each of my days. How different would my life be!
Would you all please join me as I strive to seek the Lord daily, asking for his help to redeem the time? Our life is way too short to be wasting it on things that don't really matter! Let us go to Him in prayer, to show us the way to redeem our time.
"Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise,
making the most out of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
Eph. 5:15-16